Open Source Expérience 2024

Open Source Expérience 2024 - See you at C23
4 & 5 december
Palais des Congrès - Paris Porte Maillot


In 2024, alongside 2 of our strategic partners: CNRS and EDF (EDF SimVia and EDF Exaion), we look forward to seeing you at the Open Source Experience.

On our stand in C23, we will be offering an intense programme of 24 mini-conferences (one every 30 minutes) based on a single strong conviction:

" Yes, the players in research, industry and innovation, large public and private groups, SMEs and start-ups can all work together to make Open Source a lever for sustainable, ethical and sovereign innovation!  "


  1. VIP ‘Open Mic’ talks
    Our 2 founders will be joined by MPs, serial entrepreneurs, innovation players, the Director of Innovation at the CNRS and the CEO of the FranceIA Hub for direct, authentic discussions.
  2. Exclusive talks by research players from the CNRS
    -> ‘Research supercomputers at the service of the OpenLLM community’ by Stephane REQUENA
    -> ‘Discover TEXMACS: Open Source technical document publishing solution
    -> ‘Discover AGrUM: An Open Source library for complex probabilistic calculations’ by Pierre-Henri WUILLEMIN
    ->  ‘The contribution of academic research to Open Source communities’ by Daniel LE BERRE
  3. Exclusive talks from EDF subsidiaries Exaion and SimVia
    ->  ‘EDF SimVia: regaining control of our engineering simulation resources’ by Fabien LERAY
    -> ‘SimVia X Exaion: Scientific computing with confidence’ by Laurent BERNOU-MAZARS
    -> ‘Simulation to help adapt to climate change’ by Maxime GUEGUIN
    -> ‘Exaion case study: Open Source for high-performance, eco-responsible infrastructures


Stay tuned !

Not forgetting the programme of 130 conferences at the show

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