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LINAGORA provided comprehensive Open Source training to the AFD, equipping them with the necessary skills to integrate the Open Source components into their workflows. The training was timely and tailored to the Agency’s specific requirements. It proved to be invaluable, enabling the Agency to achieve greater success in their projects.
Le produit phare de LINAGORA, Twake, est une messagerie qui aide quotidiennement SOS Médecins à améliorer leur efficacité, leur réactivité et à sécuriser des données médicales précieuses. Il s'agit d'une ressource médicale d'urgence essentielle qui joue un rôle important dans la couverture de la plupart des gardes de nuit et des quarts de travail urbains dans les zones métropolitaines françaises.

Akquinet offers secure and available email hosting services for healthcare professionals in Germany, utilizing an infrastructure distributed across multiple data centers and relying on the Apache James protocols, which are at the core of our primary email client, Twake Mail.

LINAGORA has validated its Open Source consulting expertise through multiple successes in collaboration with Thales, whether in the field of software development or other types of audit and trainings.

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