Open Source Experience

8 et 9 November :
Open Source Experience 2022

We are speaking at Open Source Experience

LinTO Smart meeting.
The virtual scribe for your meetings.


On 9 November from 9.50am to 10.10am Jean-Pierre LORRE, our Head of R&D, and Damien LAINÉ, our Head of Engineering, will be presenting LinTo SmartMeeting, the 100% Open Source voice platform for use as a "Virtual Scribe" for your meetings.

Supported by Systematic Paris Région, Open Source Experience is the meeting place for the entire open source software sector, bringing together more than 4,500 professionals over 2 days!

A place for technology exchanges, meetings and business opportunities dedicated to open source and all those involved in open digital technology.

Open Source Experience looks at the technologies, solutions and challenges facing open source in France and Europe, and highlights the driving role of open source innovations in the digital transformation of businesses in technologies such as AI, IoT, Cloud and Blockchain.

Open Source is seen as an asset to Europe's digital industry, and is present in all industrial sectors, where it is a powerful accelerator of innovation and a driver of digital transformation. Its technological building blocks are to be found everywhere and serve the challenges of digital transformation, particularly in relation to societal and environmental challenges.

We look forward to seeing you at Open Source Experience on 8 and 9 November! This year, the LINAGORA stand will be located in D29. Don't hesitate to ask for an invitation !



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