Mat'inno - DTNUM, Ministry of the Interior and Overseas France


When the public sector, within ministries and technical departments, is in the driving seat in terms of "innovation watch" on the subjects of generative AI that is ethical, transparent and respectful of users and data, it makes no mistake in its "CASTING"...

Our CEO Michel-Marie MAUDET was invited to take part in the morning's discussions.

Only in person and by invitation!

This is obviously a source of great satisfaction and pride for the whole Group, and in particular for our R&D teams, who have been working on this subject for a long time.

A big THANK YOU to Emmanuel MAKSYMIW for the invitation!

The morning's programme is particularly rich:

  • 9.00 am : Introduction - Mathieu WEILL
    Director of Digital Transformation, Deputy SG in charge of Digital, ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer


  • 9.15 am : "LLM : what we're talking about ?" - Thierry POIBEAU
    CNRS Research Director and Deputy Director of the  LATTICE laboratory


  • 9.45 am : Round table: "Ethical and operational framework for the use of AGI: Principles and deployment methods in the public sphere".

    Général Patrick PERROT
    Doctor in artificial intelligence and AI coordinator for the  Gendarmerie nationale

    Michel-Marie MAUDET
    Managing Director of LINAGORA and founder of  OpenLLM France

    Sociologist and Scientific Director of LaborIA, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration / INRIA


  • 11.00 am : Feedback from practical experience: "Which tools for which uses of LLM to serve users and agents?"

    Ulrich T.
    Chef of Datalab d’Etalab, DINUM

    Joseph GESNOUIN
    Senior Data Scientist, Delegation for Digital Transformation, DGFIP 

    Victor JOURNÉ
    Senior Data Scientist, Digital Factory, DTNUM, ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer


  • 12.00 am : Conclusion - Eric TIQUET
    Deputy Director of Innovation and Data DTNUM, ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer


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