LINAGORA reinvents sovereign e-mail with Team Mail

LINAGORA reinvents sovereign e-mail with Team Mail

Since its creation, LINAGORA has championed ethical digital technology, a "3rd Digital Way" that is respectful of users' rights, inclusive and sustainable, and capable of providing an alternative to the American and Chinese giants. For many years, LINAGORA has been offering solutions in the field of collaboration, with offerings such as OBM, LinShare and Twake, which are equipping a large number of customers in France and around the world.

Team Mail: LINAGORA reinvents email in the age of the cloud and AI.

LINAGORA announces the availability of its new messaging offering: Team Mail! Team Mail offers a unique user experience that rivals the best proprietary messaging solutions. Team Mail is built on the Apache Foundation's JAMES messaging server, which is the reference implementation of the JMAP protocol. It was the IETF (one of the Internet's standardisation bodies along with the W3C) that decided to define this new Web standard in order to take advantage of the power of the cloud and AI in the messaging sector. LINAGORA has been involved in this specification from the outset by writing some of its standards (RFCs), such as RFC-9007, which enables acknowledgements of receipt to be sent using JMAP.

In the words of Alexandre Zapolsky, Chairman of LINAGORA: "JAMES is the future of messaging servers. It is the reference implementation of JMAP developed by one of the world's largest Open Source Foundations, the Apache Foundation. As a true Internet standard that the IETF wanted to meet the challenges of messaging in the age of the Cloud and AI, I'm very proud that, together with our teams, we invested very early on in co-constructing these basic technologies to develop our sovereign InfraTechs".

Team Mail: a more sustainable, less energy-consuming messaging service for GoodTech

The JMAP protocol, by design, requires fewer requests than its predecessor IMAP, invented in the 90s. This means less battery and network bandwidth consumption for fleets of mobile terminals and laptops, which are the primary customers for messaging systems. In addition, thanks to more efficient data synchronisation, JMAP limits the calculations and data transfers required on the server side. Thanks to the JMAP protocol's sobriety, Team Mail is both more efficient and more energy-efficient (by around 50%!) than traditional messaging systems.

According to Michel-Marie Maudet, Managing Director of LINAGORA: "We are living in an era when companies and organisations are increasingly taking their social and environmental responsibilities into account. By choosing Open Source solutions such as Team Mail, our customers are able to meet these CSR criteria more directly and effectively. We're proud to be able to support them in this responsible and inspiring approach. Day after day, we work together to build a more ethical, sustainable and responsible GoodTech."

Team Mail: a messaging system to boost business performance

JAMES, on which Team Mail is based, makes it easy to implement business logic directly in the heart of the mail server. This makes it possible to build more intelligent messaging services with, for example, the ability to perform business processes on incoming emails. Team Mail can also react to user actions and learn from their usage. The intelligent processing of Spam, through learning, is an illustration of this type of advanced functionality.

For Benoit Tellier, product owner of Team Mail and Chairman of the Apache JAMES community: "In the age of ChatGPT, it is essential to realise that email is also an extremely important source of productivity and innovation. Many new uses, functionalities and practices have yet to be invented, such as intelligent sorting, automatic response recommendations, pre-filling of recipients, integration with business logic, automated pre-processing, etc.".

Huge impact for sovereign InfraTech

The use cases are already impressive! The Apache JAMES project is being used to support numerous large-scale, mission-critical InfraTech projects. This is typically the case in Estonia, which has chosen JAMES to build its sovereign citizen messaging service for all its 1.2M citizens, giving them easier access to public services.

In France, one of the most important references is GIE SESAM-Vitale, which uses the JAMES platform behind the Cartes Vitales system as the backbone for the dematerialisation of healthcare forms between healthcare professionals and the Assurance Maladie.

Team Mail is also available for Cyrus-based back ends and is therefore eligible for the modernisation of the Messagerie Collaborative de l'État (MCE)!

Team Mail applications are not limited to the LINAGORA ecosystem: it is the only multi-platform JMAP application to date, thanks to the use of Flutter technology. By using an open protocol, Team Mail can be used by other e-mail servers implementing the JMAP specification. This is the case, for example, with the Cyrus IMAP solution used by the French government.

As a result, LINAGORA is now able to provide a modern mobile e-mail experience capable of competing with the offerings of the GAFAMs, with all the benefits of JMAP, without any data migration, and while maintaining a Cyrus back end.


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Frédéric HERMELIN, Communications Manager - 06 98 11 75 64 or

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