How can we reduce the carbon footprint of email by 60%?

On 06 February 2024 from 6.30pm.

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How can we reduce the carbon footprint of email by 60%?

Twake Mail: Sovereign and ecological mail in the age of the cloud and AI, reinvented by LINAGORA

- Team Mail offers a unique user experience that rivals the best proprietary messaging solutions. 
Team Mail is built on the Apache Foundation's James mail server, which is the reference implementation of the JMAP protocol. 
It was the IETF (one of the Internet's standardisation bodies, along with the W3C) that decided to define this new Web standard in order to take advantage of the power of the cloud and AI in the messaging sector. 
LINAGORA has been involved in this specification from the outset by writing some of its standards (RFCs), such as RFC-9007, which enables acknowledgements of receipt to be sent using JMAP.

- Since its creation, LINAGORA has championed ethical digital technology, a "3rd Digital Way" that is respectful of users' rights, inclusive and sustainable, and capable of providing an alternative to the American and Chinese giants. 
For many years, LINAGORA has been offering solutions in the field of collaboration, with offerings such as OBM, Linshare and Twake Workplace, which equip a large number of customers in France and around the world.

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