FOSSASIA Vietnam 2024

FOSSASIA Summit 2024
From 8 to 10 April 2024
Hanoi - Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology


Our Chairman Alexandre Zapolsky is working alongside our teams in Vietnam, meeting the Asian Free Software communities.

This is the perfect opportunity once again to deliver some very strong messages at the opening keynote, urging people to make a clear distinction between truly Open Source AI and so-called 'Open Science' and closed proprietary AI.

A truly Open Source AI is one that opens up access:
- modèls ;
- methods ;
- data sets.
This is precisely what the OpenLLM France and OpenLLM Europecommunities are doing .

Similarly, not all digital workplace solutions are equal in terms of confidentiality and cybersecurity.
Twake Workplace 100% based on the latest open standards such as Matrix or the James server and the Jmap protocol for email is the truly Open Source Digital Workplace guaranteeing total confidentiality of exchanges.

FossAsia 2024 is the Asian Open Source and Information Technology Summit. The FOSSASIA Summit is a large-scale annual Tech event, organised for almost 15 years in many Asian countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, India and China.

This year's event will be attended by some 3,000 people, 500 national and foreign companies and 200 speakers from 40 countries, all of whom are experts in all areas of technology, including artificial intelligence, robotics, semi-conductors, the cloud, Web 3, blockchain andcybersecurity.



Our Tech Leaders, who have travelled the globe for the occasion, are giving one talk after another...
THANK YOU to them!

1 . Challenge we have met developing distributed drive application 
Anton Shepilov - CTO, Twake Workplace LINAGORA
- Why using the so-called ORM technique (Object-Relational Mapping) to access databases can be a technical challenge and how to overcome it; 
- What about encryption at rest and fast read access? 
- How to convert the MVP into a ‘real’ application;
- Code quality and technical debt of the nodejs application; 
- Security and compliance issues;
- Data migration; 
- Legacy management;

Twake Workplace brings together all the features that are essential for enterprise collaboration around Twake Mail, Twake Chat, Twake Drive, Twake Calendar and Twake Visio. Twake Workplace is the only truly Open Source digital workplace that takes full advantage of the latest Internet standards and protocols.

The aim is simple: to respect and maintain over time the strictest confidentiality of data and exchanges circulating daily within companies:

Twake Workplace is thus able to provide professionals with a genuine alternative to American and Chinese Big Tech platforms and proprietary publishing solutions on the market;


2 . OpenStandard : JMAP, the new generation email protocol
Benoit Tellier - General Manager, LINAGORA Vietnam & Product Owner Twake Mail

For sovereign and ecological email in the era of the Cloud and AI: 60% more efficient in terms of energy consumption.

IMAP and SMTP need to go. These ageing protocols no longer meet today's technological challenges.

GAFAMS have understood this and have created their own proprietary email protocols. The Apache James Open Source community refuses to use them and offers alternatives via the new-generation JMAP protocol.






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