CIG Petite Couronne



  • Development and integration
  • OSSA support
  • Signed for the period 2020-2026


1- Context

The CIG (Centre Interdépartemental de Gestion) Petite Couronne helps public-sector employers in the 92-93-94 départements to develop their HR policies.
LINAGORA was therefore consulted by the IGC as part of its "Convergences" platform, the authentication portal for its online services, to assist it in achieving the following objectives:

  • Build a technical base for local authority staff and CIG interns (6,000 users, extendable to 20,000), based on a pivot identity.
    The pivot identity is a user attribute that serves as an identifier within the directory. It must comply with several constraints:
    - Be unique throughout the directory;
    - Make sense to the user (not opaque) ;
    - Serve as a link to connect a user present in two repositories;
    - Used for authentication.
  • Offer an identity management interface that authorises the delegation of management and access to communities: Directory Manager (DM)
  • Setting up SSO
  • Link the 10+ applications to SSO (now 7 + DOPPI + a new one: ELECPRO);
  • Building on Open Source technologies.

2- Services provided

LINAGORA has taken charge of the integration and development of the Convergences portal, as well as its Maintenance in Operational Condition (MCO):

  • Monitoring information flows on the product roadmap.
  • An update on the communities and software making up the platform is presented to the COPIL.
  • Supply of minor and major updates
  • Installation of minor and major updates on IGC environments
  • And, on the other hand, Maintenance in Safety Condition (MCS):
  • LinInfoSec: proactive security alerts
  • Bypass production and/or definitive solution
  • Implementation of solutions on CIG environments


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